All pages are optimized for SEO by default. The codebase comes with tools to automatically import the right metadata tags, generate a sitemap and dynamig OG banners.


By default, the layout.tsx file will import the metadata specified in config.ts. Additionally, demo apps import & overwrite the default metadata with the values specified in their respective toolConfig.ts file.

You can override the default meta tags by exporting a metadata object in your pages.tsx file.

export const metadata = {
  title: `${defaultTitle}`,
  description: defaultDescription,
  icons: [{ rel: "icon", url: `${defaultUrl}/favicon.ico` }],
  openGraph: {
    url: defaultUrl,
    title: `${defaultTitle} | ${projectName}`,
    description: defaultDescription,
    images: [
        url: `${defaultUrl}/og.png`,
        width: 800,
        height: 600,
        alt: `${projectName} logo`,


Under /app/sitemap.ts you’ll find the script to generate your sitemap. It automatically generates an entry for each of your blog pages, and you can add static pages or modify it as desired.

import { allPosts } from "contentlayer/generated";
import { type MetadataRoute } from "next";
import { defaultUrl } from "@/config";

export default function sitemap(): MetadataRoute.Sitemap {
  const posts = allPosts;

  const staticLinks = [

  return [
      url: defaultUrl,
      lastModified: new Date(),
      changeFrequency: "yearly",
      priority: 1,
    }, => ({
      url: `${defaultUrl}${path}`,
      lastModified: new Date(),
      changeFrequency: "yearly",
      priority: 0.8,
    })), => ({
      url: `${defaultUrl}/blog${post.slug}`,
      lastModified: new Date(,
      priority: 0.7,

Dynamic OG images

Under /app/api/og/route.ts you’ll find the code used to generate dynamic OG images for your website. We use the next/og library for this. You can find examples of usage here.