Read through this guide to set up Groq & get familiar with how it is used in the different demo apps.

Set up Groq

First, create an Groq account or sign in. Next, navigate to the API key page and “Create API key”. Make sure to save this somewhere safe and do not share it with anyone.

Once you have your API key, paste it in your .env file:


Demo apps

Below is a list of demo apps using Groq. The voice to notes demo app uses Whisper for transcription, and LLaMA 3 through Groq for summarization. The Branding Strategy Generator uses Groq for generating structured JSON with the desired content.

For detailed information on each application, please check their respective section.


You’ll notice that each API route follows a similar structure:

  1. Takes in input from the front-end
  2. Generates a new prompt based on the user inputs
  3. Calls the API using the prompt + JSON schema
  4. Extracts the JSON response
  5. Stores the JSON response in supabase
  6. Returns a uuid to the end-user, which is handled by the frontend to fetch & display the response from Supabase.

More information on structure of the codebase can be found here:


Understand the project structure of the codebase