Voice to notes
Set up your own speech to notes app
We’ll use Whisper, Llama 3, Cloudflare R2 storage & Supabase database to create our own Voice to Notes app. You’ll have it running in 5 minutes!
Voice to notes app using Whisper and LLaMA 3
To build your own Voice to notes app you’ll need to have Supabase, Replicate, Groq and Storage set up. If you haven’t, please start by doing that.
Set up user authentication & PostgreSQL database using Supabase
Set up audio, pdf and image storage using Cloudflare R2
Set up Replicate & understand how it’s used throughout the app
Set up Groq & understand how it’s used throughout the app
Once that is ready, you can go ahead and follow the steps below.
Database tables
We’ll create 3 tables: one to store our transcriptions
, one for our recordings
and one for our summaries
Copy paste the following into your Supabase SQL editor:
Great job! The database setup is complete, and your app is ready to go. Visit http://localhost:3000/audio
to see it in action.
App Structure
Key API routes:app/api/(apps)/audio/upload/route.ts
: Uploads audio recordings to Cloudflare R2, returns a public URL, and updates therecordings
table. It also reduces thecredits
of the user if you’ve definedpaywall === true
: Transcribes the audio recording usingincredibly-fast-whisper
(Replicate) and stores the data in Supabase.app/api/(apps)/audio/summarize/route.ts
: Generates a short summary and a list of action points.app/api/(apps)/audio/delete/route.ts
: Deletes data from both Supabase and Cloudflare R2.
Contains all front-end logic, including paywall checks and dynamic pages per recording. -
Contains all front-end components unique to the audio app.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter or Discord!